2 Credits

The Undergraduate Education Policy aims to provide a well-rounded undergraduate education experience that prepares students for future success in their chosen field. It is applicable to the Associate Degree and Bachelor Degree programs offered by the Pakistani Universities and Degree Awarding Institutes.
The primary objective of the policy is to promote the student success which is envisioned as the ability to comprehend and apply conceptual knowledge, acquire professional skills and competencies, and act as an individual having strong civic and ethical values of tolerance and inclusiveness.
Components of Undergraduate Degrees
UGEP outlines the structure of undergraduate degrees, encompassing various components:
Ulearn and GCUL: Pioneering Blended Learning
2 Credits
3 Credits
2 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
6 Credits
2 Credits
2 Credits
3 Credits
2 Credits
2 Credits
Ulearn innovative teaching solutions meet the evolving needs of learning communities and provide the technologies, course content, quizzes and services needed for tomorrow’s education sector. Our unique Glass board technology ensures interaction between student and teacher.
Our Teach Pakistan project aims to promote equal access to education for all students in Pakistan and eliminate educational disparities in our society. We envision and educated Pakistan that embraces modern technology to revolutionize the educational landscape of the country.