Online Courses Vs Traditional Classrooms
There is an ongoing debate on whether or not online learning is superior to traditional learning. Each one has its benefits and drawbacks which we will be outlining in this article.
Flexible Schedule
One aspect where online courses and traditional classrooms differ is flexibility. With e-learning, you can decide how many hours per week you want to dedicate to the subject. Students who have to manage studies with other extra-curricular activities and home chores will find this approach easier because they can log in any time of the day and watch the video lecture.
Online education also gives students a chance to pace themselves and figure out how much time they need to spend on a topic before they move on. They can rewatch videos and solve questions until they are sure they have grasped the concepts.
On the other hand, traditional learning requires students to be in the classroom at a specific date and time which is decided by the instructor. They cannot be late or miss a class because of the commitment. This also means they have to get ready and travel to and from their home which requires additional time, effort and money.
With traditional learning, you have to always be attentive so you do not miss an important point. The teacher has to rush through the topics to ensure they cover the entire syllabus in a limited amount of time, but most of the time students fail to keep up with the fast pace.
Motivation and Discipline
The way a course is structured can have a significant impact on how motivated you are towards learning. With online education, you have the flexibility to create your own schedule but that can also mean that you slack off and do not consistently spend time on a subject.
Since there is a lack of daily accountability, students find themselves skipping the lectures and struggling to sit down to watch the videos. An online course will only be effective if there are strategies in place to help students stay on track and make sure to create a space at home where they can concentrate on studying.
In a traditional setting, there is always a teacher in the classroom to make sure students are paying attention and regularly doing their homework. Students know they will be having classes 2-3 times every week and attendance is mandatory.
They also make sure to do the assigned reading or problem sets because there is a strict deadline attached to them. They are also reminded to submit their assignments constantly so there is little reason to forget.

Quality of Education
Online learning means you can enroll in courses taught by institutes or instructors in any part of the world. The learner gets to view and watch video clips to check out the teaching style. Students have access to the best educators in the world and they can access high-quality education without leaving their homes.
They can join courses taught by experienced faculty who have a track record of helping more students achieve the desired results. Traditional learning does not provide you the freedom to choose your instructor. Schools and colleges hire teachers based on their own judgment and students often get stuck with someone they cannot connect with.
Their teaching methods are often outdated and they leave an intimidating personality impact that scares away students. These classrooms are not conducive to learning and discourage students from asking questions or making any effort.
In today’s day and age, students have access to both online resources and classrooms. At the end of the day, the choice depends on their circumstances and preferences.
Happy e-Learning.